Early Intervention

Early Intervention Services focus on young learners, children from 18 – 36 months, who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability or delay. Children enrolled in this program get the support they need to develop and grow in social, language, motor, and adaptive skills. The sooner we can get services to a child with a delay, the more promising his or her future. United Services runs three different small, low ratio classes for these young learners. Class days and hours vary with the individual needs of the children. As children’s first teachers, parents and caregivers play an important role in their children’s early development. Our specialists work with the family, and as a team they develop comprehensive strategies to assess the child’s strengths and needs, and build a program for each individual child.



Early Intervention Classroom-based programs

  • Learn and Play Together: encourages development of age-appropriate play skills, social skills, and ability to follow classroom routines.
  • Building Blocks: prepares children for group learning by helping them develop appropriate and attentive behaviors. Children “learn to learn” by following directions and classroom routines, and building social skills.
  • Building Blocks Intensive: designed for children who need greater support in order to build social motivation and attend to people in their environment. The class focuses on increasing engagement, communication, social play, as well as addressing sensory needs and encouraging appropriate toy play.

Partnering Through Play

A parent/child program led by an early childhood special education teacher and a range of support staff skilled in developmental therapies. Parent goals include building confidence and competencies to support their child’s development and effectively engaging their children in active learning opportunities. Child goals include accepting and adapting to change and interacting with others in a group play setting.


Early Intervention funding is provided by the United Way and the Developmental Disabilities Resource Board.

Parents interested in obtaining more information about Early Intervention Services can contact us at 636-926-2700. Additional information is available through the Missouri First Steps Program.

United Services built its curriculum using several research-based sources. Two of those sources, CDC Milestones and Bezos Foundation’s VROOM, have joined forces to meet the needs of families. United Services is proud to recognize both of these organizations for their work with children!

Milestones Matter: In an Innovative Partnership, Vroom Joins the CDC to Help Families Track Child Development – Early Learning Nation